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Number of Results: 549
Promising Practices in Law Enforcement Victim Support
Victim-centered, trauma-informed approaches to crime can support victim recovery and engagement with the criminal justice system.
Elevate Blue
Elevate Blue is a best-in-class virtual training that was designed to address the contemporary challenges faced by law enforcement agencies.
Operation Nighthawk Pairs Training and Enforcement - Police Chief Magazine
Pennsylvania State Police's Operation Nighthawk includes training in impaired driving enforcement and impaired driving enforcement activities....
Driving While Impaired by Cannabis—New Challenges for Law Enforcement - Police Chief Magazine...
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Leveraging Technology to Reduce Drug-Impaired Driving - Police Chief Magazine...
testing should be a strong consideration as a strategy in combating impaired driving that can help in both prevention and enforcement....
Law Enforcement -Based Victim Services (LEV) | International Association of Chiefs of Police...
as the training and technical assistance provider for the Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services and Technical Assistance Program (LEV Program). Sponsored by the Office for Victims of Crime, this project...project seeks to develop, enhance, and sustain law enforcement-based victim services programs to serve the needs and rights of all crime victims....
Implications of Self-Driving Vehicles - Police Chief Magazine
Self-driving cars are coming, and law enforcement needs to be prepared....
Law Enforcement’s Role in Distracted Driving - Police Chief Magazine
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The International Drug Evaluation & Classification Program | International Association of Chiefs of Police...
The Drug Evaluation and Classification Program is recognized by all fifty states in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom....