Crime & Violence
Preventing Line of Duty Deaths: A Chief's Duty
Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Children Exposed to Violence Toolkit
Policy Center Resources
See AllArrests and Investigatory Stops
Law enforcement officers must understand their powers, duties, and responsibilities when interacting with members of the public. The range and goals of possible interactions can...
Domestic Violence*
An effective law enforcement response to domestic violence must include the adoption of a comprehensive policy that is a priority for the agency, is consistently...
Firearm Recovery and Processing
With violence involving firearms dominating the news headlines, it is crucial that all law enforcement agencies have timely and sustainable protocols for the recovery and forensic...
Transportation of Prisoners
All prisoners should be treated in a humane manner and with due regard for their physical safety and protection consistent with sound principles of prisoner...
Facial Recognition
Facial recognition technology can be helpful in identifying possible suspects or persons of interest by performing a comparative analysis of facial attributes observed in digital...
Traffic Incident Management
Effective management of traffic incidents is crucial to the safe and efficient use of roadways. Coordinated multiagency response to detect, respond to, and remove traffic incidents...
Support for Incorporating an Enhanced Response to Victims as a Priority in Daily Law Enforcement Operations
Support for Incorporating an Enhanced Response to Victims as a Priority in Daily Law Enforcement Operations
Submitted by: Victim Services Committee
WHEREAS, the International...
Resilience Strategies for Your Role
Real world resilience strategies for where you are.
The stressors that first responders face can have serious implications for overall health and wellness. Supporting mental...