IACP has developed a number of programs on a variety of topics important to law enforcement today. Through these projects and programs, IACP delivers resources including published documents such as guidebooks and fact sheets, online and in-person training, and interactive tools.
The role of community in policing in homeland security and preventing radicalization to violence
The Role of Community Policing in Homeland Security and Preventing Radicalization to Violence (CVE) project goal is to increase the capacity of local, state, and…
Training Program on Enhancing Rural Law Enforcement Response to Violence Against Women
The Training Program on Enhancing Rural Law Enforcement Response to Violence Against Women provides rural law enforcement and dispatch/communications professionals training and technical assistance to…
Translating Crime Reduction Best and Emerging Practices for Small and Rural Agencies
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), and Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) at George…
Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Investigations
These resources provide law enforcement and multi-disciplinary community partners with information on the neurobiology of trauma and investigative strategies to respond to sexual assault crimes…
Tribal Community Policing
On this page you will find concepts of 21st Century Policing that can be shared with tribal, state, and local public safety agencies, resources to…
Vicarious Trauma Response Initiative
Individuals responsible for responding to, and addressing, the needs of crime victims in various professional capacities are impacted by both single incident and chronic trauma…
Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS)
Volunteers can be an important part of any organization and are proven to be a valuable asset to law enforcement agencies. Many volunteer with their…
Women's Leadership Institute (WLI)
The Women’s Leadership Institute (WLI) is a one-week leadership training program for women leaders and those developing women leaders.
Youth Focused Policing
Youth Focused Policing (YFP) is a proactive strategy to enable police to intervene with youth to reduce delinquency, crime, victimization, long-term health and criminal justice…