Resolutions are the cornerstone of IACP’s policy development. Resolutions direct the efforts of the IACP and serve as the guiding statement in accomplishing the work of the association.
Complete resolutions packets that are still valid are available to view below.
For more information on how the resolutions process works, including how to craft a resolution, click here. If you are interested in submitting a resolution, please first complete a resolutions proposal form located here. Once the proposal has been approved, resolution drafts can be submitted for consideration using this form. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Adopted resolutions are valid for five years.
2025 Resolutions will be posted here as they are adopted.
Opposition to Efforts to Legalize the Sale and Possession of Marijuana
Orlando, FL.
October 27, 2010
Opposition to Efforts to Legalize the Sale and Possession of Marijuana
Submitted by: Narcotics...
Opposition to Federal Pre-Emption of Individual States Carrying of Concealed Weapons (CCW) Laws as They Apply to Active, Former, and /or Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Personnel
WHEREAS, the majority of the states currently have laws regulating the carrying of concealed weapons by private citizens and law enforcement officials within their state...
Opposition to Federal Pre-Emption of Individual States Carrying of Concealed Weapons (CCW) Laws for Private Citizens
WHEREAS, forty-two (42) states currently have laws allowing private citizens to carry concealed weapons for protection or employment, if the individual is not proven to...
Opposition to Grant of Clemency to FALN Members Convicted of Terrorist Activities
WHEREAS, acts of terrorism, regardless of motivation, are in fact crimes against society that have caused death and serious injury to members of law enforcement...
Opposition to Limitation on Asset Forfeiture Statutes
WHEREAS, the citizens of the United States of America are victims of illicit drug trafficking and use and violent crime; and
WHEREAS, the only purpose...
Opposition to Limitations on Asset Forfeiture Statutes
WHEREAS, the citizens of the United States of America are victims of illicit drug trafficking and use; and
WHEREAS, the only purpose of drug trafficking...
Opposition to Remove Silencers (Suppressors) from the National Firearms Act of 1934
Opposition to Remove Silencers (Suppressors) from the National Firearms Act of 1934
Submitted by: Firearms Committee
WHEREAS, since 1934, silencers (suppressors)...
Opposition to Secondary Enforcement Traffic Legislation
WHEREAS, each year approximately 42,000 Americans die in traffic crashes and another three million are injured; and
WHEREAS, strong traffic laws provide law enforcement officers...
Opposition to the Enactment of H.R. 4709 – Removing the Attorney General's Authority to Issue Immediate Suspension Orders Under the Controlled Substances Act
Adopted at the 121st Annual Conference
Orlando, Florida
October 21, 2014
Opposition to the Enactment of H.R. 4709 - Removing the Attorney General's Authority...
Opposition to the Legalization of Marijuana by States for “Recreational” Purposes
Adopted at the 120th Annual Conference
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
October 23, 2013
Opposition to the Legalization of Marijuana by States for "Recreational" Purposes
Submitted by...
Opposition to the Sale of Armor-Piercing and Tracer Ammunition
Opposition to the Sale of Armor-Piercing and Tracer Ammunition
Submitted by the IACP Board of Directors and the Firearms Committee
WHEREAS, there...
Opposition to the Use of Televised or Recorded Pursuits
WHEREAS, operating a law enforcement vehicle in a pursuit situation exposes the public, the violator and the officer to a far greater danger than other...
WHEREAS, OxyContin®, a sustained release form of the Schedule II substance oxycodone, entered the market in 1996 and is legitimately prescribed for people with chronic...
Pilots Flying Armed
WHEREAS, the United States Congress is currently considering legislation that would authorize airline pilots to carry firearms on board commercial flights; and,
WHEREAS, the International...
Placing Vehicle Identification Number on Component Parts of All Vehicles
Chicago, IL
October 26, 2011
Placing Vehicle Identification Number on Component Parts of All Vehicles Submitted by: Vehicle Theft...
Plain English Communications during Incidents Requiring NIMS / ICS Operations
Plain English Communications during Incidents Requiring NIMS / ICS Operations
Submitted by: Patrol & Tactical Operations Committee
WHEREAS, successful multi agency emergency responder...
Police Accountability Funding
WHEREAS, the integrity and professional conduct of law enforcement officers is essential to the impartial administration of justice and to maintaining public trust and confidence...
Police Officers at Highway Construction Sites
WHEREAS, for some years now, uniformed law enforcement officers in marked police vehicles have been used at construction highway sites; and
WHEREAS, the use of...
Police Recruitment Funding
WHEREAS, trust and confidence in law enforcement can only be achieved when law enforcement agencies employ the highest caliber personnel who represent a diverse cross...
Policy Recommendations from 2004 Private Security/Public Policing Summit
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) convened a...