Internal Resources - Administrative
Employee Engagement
Involve employees in the process of developing policies and procedures.
Establish a serious incident review board comprising sworn staff and community members.
Implement non-punitive peer review of critical incidents.
Implement multi-rank assessment process of new technology (agency and community input).
Internal Processes
Incorporate procedural justice into the internal discipline process.
- Procedural Justice for Law Enforcement
- What is Procedural Justice?
- Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy
- Procedural Justice and Order Maintenance Policing
Institute residency incentive programs.
Explore more flexible staffing models.
Adopt identification procedures that eliminate or minimize presenter bias or influence.
Document, prevent, and address sexual harassment and misconduct by local law enforcement agents consistent with the recommendations of the IACP.
Implement scientifically supported officer shift lengths.
Reinforce policies for the prevention of sexual misconduct and harassment.
Strive for workforce diversity.
- Recognizing & Appreciating Diversity
- Advancing Diversity
- Increasing Diversity in Departments
- Recruitment Toolkit
- Police Force Diversity
- Griffith Police Expand Diversity
- Women in Law Enforcement
- New Demographics of Law Enforcement
- LA County Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Employee Guide
- Diversity Coordinating Panel
Allow sufficient time for patrol officers to participate in problem solving and community engagement activities and value these activities in performance evaluations.
- Children of Arrested Parents Toolkit
- Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence: A Toolkit for Law
Enforcement - Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Children Exposed to Violence Training
- Community Engagement in Urban Transit System
- Columbia’s Beyond the Badge
- San Antonio Fear Free Environment Unit
- Matrix Demonstration Project
Deploy smart technology to prevent the manipulation of evidence.
Consider local needs when implementing technology and encourage public participation in the process.
Adopt model policies and best practices for technology-based community engagement that increases community trust and access.
- Realizing the Potential of Technology in Policing
- Technology Policy Framework
- Recording Police Activity Model Policy
- Recording Police Activity Concepts Paper
Develop policies and procedures on social media that define acceptable use by staff in both official and unofficial capacities.
Law enforcement agencies should review and consider the bureau of justice assistance’s (bja) body worn camera toolkit to assist in implementing body-worn cameras (bwcs).
- The Effect of Police Body-Worn Cameras
- Evaluating the Impact of Officer Body Worn Cameras
- Evaluating the Impact of Body-Worn Cameras
Use less lethal weapons as part of the use of force model and provide annual retraining on their use.
Officer Safety & Wellness
Law enforcement agencies should promote safety and wellness at every level of the organization.
- Breaking the Silence on Law Enforcement Suicides
- Officer Safety Initiatives
- Center for Officer Safety and Wellness
- Preventing Law Enforcement Officer Suicide
Implement scientifically supported officer shift lengths.
- The Impact of Shift Length
- Sleep Disorder, Work Shifts & Officer Wellness
- The Shift Length Experiment
Provide each officer with tactical first aid kits and anti-ballistic vests and related training.
Require officers to wear seatbelts and bullet-proof vests, and provide related training.
Offer mental health checks for officers, and ready access to information on fitness, resilience, and nutrition.
- Reducing Officer Injuries
- Eating Well On-the-Go
- Nutrition Tri-Fold
- Sleep Deprivation
- Psychological Services Section
Ongoing training related to officer wellness and safety, including discussion of fatigue, stress, post-traumatic stress, and healt
Data Collection
Measure and track community trust through annual surveys.
- Community Survey
- Measuring Police & Community Performance
- Fairfax County Community Survey
- Mt. Olive Community Survey
- Ithaca Community Survey
- Hawai’i Police Community Satisfaction Survey
Collect, analyze, and post to web information about stops, summonses, arrests, reported crime, and other law enforcement data aggregated by demographics.
Collect, track, and analyze data on use of force incidents.
- Chief Koval on MPD’s Deadly Force Policy
- San Francisco Officer Involved Shootings
- Madison Types of Force Used
- Use of Force Incidents
Open data on department personnel demographics.
Collect, maintain and analyze demographic data on all detentions (stops, frisks, searches, summons and arrests.
Collect data on officer deaths, injuries, and "near misses."
Track outcomes associated with body worn cameras (e.g., complaints and use of force incidents).
- Existing & Ongoing Body Worn Camera Research
- Police Body Worn Cameras
- Effects of Body Worn Cameras on Use of Force
- Evaluating the Impact of Body Worn Cameras
- Body Worn Cameras