IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Talking About NIBRS: Messaging About Crime Data to Stakeholders
NIBRS Transition Press Release Template
Support for 2020 Model Ordinance for Alarm Management and False Alarm Reduction
Support for 2020 Model Ordinance for Alarm Management and False Alarm Reduction
Submitted by: Private Sector Liaison Section PSLS.01.21
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs...
The Future of Crime Data in Policing
Emergency Preparedness Considerations Toolkit For Families and Agencies
Emergency Preparedness Considerations Toolkit serves as a roadmap to help law enforcement families, officers and agencies prepare for an emergency. By being proactive and prepared...
Family Matters: Executive Guide for Developing Family-Friendly Law Enforcement Policies, Procedures, and Culture
Law enforcement officers are routinely exposed to stressful, demanding incidents that challenge them both physically and mentally. The support system officers return home to at...
Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services – Template Package IV: Pamphlets
Whether establishing or enhancing a law enforcement-based victim services program, creating victim resources is critical. Pamphlets can be a valuable tool for victim services personnel...
Tip Sheets: Enhancing Agency Response to Domestic and Sexual Violence
These tip sheets provide strategies for enhancing your agency’s response to domestic and sexual violence by focusing on key areas such as agency mission, the...
The Sexual Assault Supplemental Report Packet
The Sexual Assault Supplemental Report Packet is to be used for the reporting, recording, and investigation of all sexual assault incidents. The packet supports...
Officer Health and Wellness Agency Assessment Tool and Action Planning Roadmap
Compared to the general public, police are at a higher risk for negative physical and mental health outcomes, including injuries, illnesses, obesity, heart attacks, and sleep disorders. In...
Evidence-Based Crime Reduction Strategies for Small, Rural, and Tribal Agencies”).
The IACP, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), and Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy (CEBCP) at George Mason University partnered to gather, evaluate...
Using NIBRS to Reduce Crime
This study released by the National Crime Statistics Exchange (NCS-X) examines using NIBRS data in Tactical Crime Analysis. This technique examines crime characteristics—the what, when, where...