Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services – Template Package IV: Pamphlets
Whether establishing or enhancing a law enforcement-based victim services program, creating victim resources is critical. Pamphlets can be a valuable tool for victim services personnel to use with victims and witnesses of crime. While not a replacement for advocacy, pamphlets can be a complementary tool for victim services personnel to engage victims in conversations about their rights, the criminal justice system, and available resources. They can also help ensure victims have needed information to refer to throughout their participation in investigation and court processes. This document provides pamphlet templates to serve as a starting point for agencies but is not an exhaustive list of resources. These templates were developed through a review of documents from existing law enforcement-based victim services programs. All templates should be carefully reviewed to ensure information is consistent with agency, statutory, and constitutional requirements within the local jurisdiction.
For more information and resources on the Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services (LEV) Program, please visit the LEV Program's main project webpage.