IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
IACP Pre-Trial Justice Reform Initiative
IACP Radar/Lidar Testing
Conforming Products List (CPL)
The Conforming Product List (CPL) is a document of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; United States Department of Transportation that...
IACP Sample Funeral Protocols
This section includes examples of funeral protocols, death notifications, and other similar procedures. Materials marked “reproducible” have the logos and other identifying information from the...
IACP Sample Training Materials
Critical Issues: Naloxone
The opioid epidemic has increased the likelihood that first responders will encounter overdose victims. Given that the success of reviving an overdose victim is dependent...
National Policy Summit on Community Police Relations
Critical Issues: Firearm Background Checks
Background Checks
Dangerous people acquiring firearms is a serious problem that demands a federal response. State and local governments cannot go it alone, as ineligible firearm purchasers...