IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Support for Removing Funds from the Police Corps Program to Provide Tuition Assistance for Current Police Officers
WHEREAS, Subtitle A, Title XX of P.L. 103-322, the Crime Bill, authorized the Police Corps Program to provide funding for college tuition assistance in furthering...
Proposed Changes in Federal Law Regarding Fictitious Financial Instruments and Counterfeit Access Devices
WHEREAS, the advances in technology have made financial transactions increasingly vulnerable to fraudulent criminal acts utilizing easily produced documents; and
WHEREAS, the fuel economy of...
Funding for Telecommunication Interceptions
WHEREAS, the lawful interception of telecommunications is one of the most valuable investigative tools available to law enforcement in identifying and crippling illegal drug activities...
Commercial Vehicle Inspection
WHEREAS, two million commercial vehicles were inspected at the roadside last year; and
WHEREAS, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration anticipates at least another two...
Impaired Driving Legislation
WHEREAS, impaired driving is one of the most frequently committed crimes in the United States; and
WHEREAS, over 38 percent of vehicle related deaths involve...
State and Provincial Agency Eligibility for Block Grants
WHEREAS, funding for technology and other initiatives has always been a challenge for state police and highway patrol agencies; and
WHEREAS, federal funding assistance has...
Bias-Based Legislation
WHEREAS, there has been an increased amount of media and special interest attention to allegations of bias by law enforcement officers; and
WHEREAS, this has...
Police Accountability Funding
WHEREAS, the integrity and professional conduct of law enforcement officers is essential to the impartial administration of justice and to maintaining public trust and confidence...
Police Recruitment Funding
WHEREAS, trust and confidence in law enforcement can only be achieved when law enforcement agencies employ the highest caliber personnel who represent a diverse cross...
Increasing the Penalties for Identity Theft
WHEREAS, the theft of an individual’s identity (name, address, social security number, etc.) is a growing problem in the United States, costing citizens and commercial...
Support for the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) and the FBI CALEA Implementation Section (CIS)
WHEREAS, Congress has recognized that court-ordered intercepts are an essential tool for law enforcement agencies; and
WHEREAS, state and local law enforcement agencies conduct the...
Exemption from the Americans with Disabilities Act Prohibition Against Pre-Employment Screening by State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies
WHEREAS, it is the mission of law enforcement to preserve law and order, enforce criminal and traffic law, and to provide for an environment of...