IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
Quick Clearance of Roadway Incidents
Adopted at the 122nd Annual Conference
Chicago, Illinois
October 2015
Quick Clearance of Roadway Incidents
Submitted by the Highway Safety Committee
WHEREAS, law enforcement...
Quick Clearance of Roadway Incidents
Adopted at the 122nd Annual Conference
Chicago, Illinois
October 2015
Quick Clearance of Roadway Incidents
Submitted by the Highway Safety Committee
WHEREAS, law enforcement...
Requesting the Support of the Media to Embrace No Notoriety
Adopted at the 122nd Annual Conference
Chicago, Illinois
October 2015
Requesting the Support of the Media to Embrace No Notoriety
Submitted by: The IACP Board...
Supporting DoD Legislative Proposal to Improve Civil-Military Law Enforcement Cooperation
Adopted at the 122nd Annual Conference
Chicago, Illinois
October 2015
Supporting DoD Legislative Proposal to Improve Civil-Military Law Enforcement Cooperation
Submitted by: Civilian Law Enforcement-Military...
Support of Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies to Recognize and Receive MACTAC Training
Support of Law Enforcement Officers and Agencies to Recognize and Receive MACTAC Training
Submitted by: Patrol and Tactical Operations Committee and Firearms Committee
Support for the National Use of Force Data Collection Project Led by the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division
Support for the National Use of Force Data Collection Project Led by the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division
Submitted by: IACP Board...
Drug Impaired Driving Laboratory Toxicology Testing Recommendations
WHEREAS, an alarming rate of impaired drivers are suspected of using impairing drugs alone, or in combination with alcohol (2014 National Survey on Drug...
Support for Increasing Real Time Access to Criminal Investigative Information and Intelligence
Support for Increasing Real Time Access to Criminal Investigative
Information and Intelligence
Submitted by: Transnational Crimes Committee
Passed: November 2016
WHEREAS, transnational...
Support of a Recommendation to the U.S. Federal Railroad Administration to Declare One Week Each Year as “U.S. Rail Safety Week”
Support of a Recommendation to the U.S. Federal Railroad Administration to
Declare One Week Each Year as "U.S. Rail Safety Week"
Submitted by: IACP...
Prohibition of Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) on College and University Campuses
Prohibition of Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) on College and University Campuses
Submitted by: University and College Police Section
Passed: November 2016
Support for Law Enforcement Access to Publicly Available and Accurate Internet Address Registration Data to include privacy protected registrant information and related Forensic Resources to facilitate investigation of Cybercrime and Cyber Enabled Crime
Support for Law Enforcement Access to Publicly Available and Accurate Internet Address Registration Data to include privacy protected registrant information and related Forensic Resources to...
Enhancing Explosive Precursor Chemical Controls
WHEREAS, the criminal use of improvised explosive devices is a persistent and evolving threat to the people of the world; and
WHEREAS, improvised explosive...