Research & Evidence-Based Policing
For decades, leaders in the criminal justice field have emphasized the importance of measuring the effectiveness of law enforcement policies and practices because understanding the various approaches that agencies employ to handle contemporary issues can either inform or validate a current or proposed course of action. It is important to rigorously evaluate policing practices to identify those that are effective and to facilitate the exchange of data and research between the policing community and academia. Data, when analyzed and translated into knowledge and insights, can drive better, more informed decision-making. The IACP is committed to supporting the enhancement of law enforcement policies, practices, and programs through the Research Advisory Committee, Center for Police Research and Policy, and the Institute for Community-Police Relations.
Center for Police Research
Research helps to identify effective policies and practices in policing. The IACP Center for Police Research seeks to find evidence-based explanations, recommendations, and solutions for…
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Policy Center Resources
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The ability of a law enforcement agency to respond to emerging issues and long-range goals is dependent upon the ability to implement new policies, programs, strategies...
Policy Recommendations from 2004 Private Security/Public Policing Summit
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) convened a...
Support for Sustainability of Fusion Centers
Support for Sustainability of Fusion Centers
Submitted by: Homeland Security Committee
WHEREAS, the IACP recognizes in the aftermath of the tragic events of...
Support for the Law Enforcement National Data Exchange (N-DEx)
Adopted at the 119th Annual Conference
San Diego, CA
October 3, 2012
Support for the Law Enforcement National Data Exchange (N-DEx)
Submitted by: State and...