Resolutions are the cornerstone of IACP’s policy development. Resolutions direct the efforts of the IACP and serve as the guiding statement in accomplishing the work of the association.
Complete resolutions packets that are still valid are available to view below.
For more information on how the resolutions process works, including how to craft a resolution, click here. If you are interested in submitting a resolution, please first complete a resolutions proposal form located here. Once the proposal has been approved, resolution drafts can be submitted for consideration using this form. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Adopted resolutions are valid for five years.
2025 Resolutions will be posted here as they are adopted.
Endorsement of the Integrated Drug Enforcement Assistance (IDEA) Program, an Innovative Community-Based Strategy Sponsored by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
WHEREAS, President George W. Bush has emphasized that both education and drug enforcement are essential to solving America’s drug problem, noting, “America cannot pick and...
Endorsing Adoption of Oregons Model for Scheduling Methamphetamine Precursors
Enhancement of Counterterrorism Actions/Profile/Training
WHEREAS, terrorism is a growing worldwide concern and an increasing threat to every citizen’s individual security. In the aftermath of the Oklahoma City bombing, the...
Enhancing Explosive Precursor Chemical Controls
WHEREAS, the criminal use of improvised explosive devices is a persistent and evolving threat to the people of the world; and
WHEREAS, improvised explosive...
Enhancing Law Enforcement Capacity to Respond to Extreme Weather Events
Submitted by: Individual Member Cosponsored by: Homeland Security Committee
WHEREAS, communities, states/provinces, and nations around the globe have, since the early 2000s, experienced...
Establishing an Annual Award for a Scout who has Demonstrated Crime Prevention Excellence
WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have had a long and continuous relationship; and
Establishment of a National Commission of Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice
WHEREAS, today in many parts of the United States, there is a serious and widening gap developing between police agencies and the communities they serve...
Establishment of Guidelines and Criteria for Lawsuits Against Police
WHEREAS, millions of dollars are being spent annually by police agencies throughout the nation to defend baseless lawsuits; and
WHEREAS, often these lawsuits are brought...
Excited Delirium Syndrome
WHEREAS, many law enforcement officials have responded to individuals acting in a bizarre, uncontrollable manner. It is now known that many of these cases...
Exemption from the Americans with Disabilities Act Prohibition Against Pre-Employment Screening by State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies
WHEREAS, it is the mission of law enforcement to preserve law and order, enforce criminal and traffic law, and to provide for an environment of...
Extradition of Criminal Suspects
WHEREAS, the law enforcement profession has a compelling interest in ensuring that individuals suspected of committing crimes are not able to evade justice by leaving...
Familial DNA Searches
WHEREAS, DNA technology has revolutionized forensic identification through its ability to assist in identifying the guilty and exonerating the innocent, and
WHEREAS, enhancements and...
Fatigued Driving
WHEREAS, Fatigued driving is an impairment; and
WHEREAS, Driver impairment due to fatigue can be as dangerous as driver impairment by drugs and/or alcohol; and...
Fentanyl and Officer Safety
Fentanyl and Officer Safety
Submitted by: IACP Board of Directors
WHEREAS, fentanyl is a Schedule II controlled substance as set forth in the Controlled Substances...
Fight Crime by Investing in Kids
WHEREAS, police chiefs are dedicated to public safety; and
WHEREAS, the 19,000 members of the International Association of Chiefs of Police work continuously to fight...
Fingerprinting Technology Applied to Private Security Personnel
WHEREAS, the IACP has a productive and continuing relationship with key elements of private security relating to public safety, and
WHEREAS, private industry now employs...
Firearms Enforcement
WHEREAS, since 1993, firearms-related injuries and deaths have been declining steadily; and
WHEREAS, yet they continue to remain the second leading cause of injury death...
Fleet Service Notification
WHEREAS, law enforcement agencies purchase approximately 200,000 patrol vehicles each model year from dealerships representing the automobile industry; and
WHEREAS, the law enforcement patrol vehicle...
Forensic Science Accreditation and Certification
WHEREAS, forensic science is becoming increasingly important in the adjudication of criminal proceedings; and
WHEREAS, the courts increasingly rely on forensic evidence and the results...
Fraudulent or Misleading Police Solicitation
WHEREAS, law enforcement organizations have long enjoyed the support and trust of the citizens in the communities they serve; and,
WHEREAS, this support and trust...