IACP's resources are aimed at helping law enforcement executives do their jobs better and cover a variety of topics, including professional development, leadership, management, and supervision, as well as hot topics such as ethics.
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Policy Summit: Improving Partnerships Between Law Enforcement Leaders and University Based Researchers
The goal of this summit was to identify the problems that hinder the establishment and perpetuation of effective law
enforcement/research partnerships and draft solutions to...
Improving Safety in Indian Country
Concerns about safety and justice are a defining characteristic of life in Indian country,
and recent studies highlight the extent of the problem.
IACP National Summit on Law Enforcement Leadership in Juvenile Justice
The National Summit on Law Enforcement Leadership in Juvenile Justice was designed to support law enforcement agencies nationwide in becoming more effective leaders in juvenile...
Murder in America
- Exercise leadership to develop community-wide murder reduction strategies.
- Intervene against all forms of violence as early and decisively as...
National Policy Summit on Community-Police Relations
The summit brought together law enforcement leaders, representative from NAACP, ACLU, Leadership Conference on Civil rights, Lawyers Committee on Civil Rights, as well as various...
National Summit on Intelligence: Gathering, Sharing, Analysis, and use after 9-11
Criminal intelligence sharing in the United States has come a long way since March 2002, the date of the first summit on criminal intelligence sharing...
Offender Re-Entry: Exploring the Leadership Opportunity for Law Enforcement Executives and Their Agencies
In 2006, the IACP, in collaboration with the COPS Office, brought together over 100 law enforcement, correctional, and community leaders for a two day summit...
Taking a Stand: Reducing Gun Violence in Our Communities
A report from the International Association of Chiefs of Police 2007 Great Lakes Summit on Gun Violence
Policy Summit: What do Victims Want? Effective Strategies to Achieve Justice for Victims of Crime
Since 1994, the IACP has held annual summits on critical issues facing law enforcement
agencies and the communities they serve. Each has brought together police...
Violent Crime in America: Summit Recommendations
Recommendations from the Summit on Violent Crime in America.
National Summit On Wrongful Convictions: Building a Systemic Approach to Prevent Wrongful Convictions
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) gathered 75 subject matter experts to create a national strategy to prevent and reduce wrongful convictions.
Police Summit: Youth Violence in America
Key findings from the Youth Violence in America Police Summit.